Team Contract
Team goals
- Have the most fun
- Have pride in our work
- Fulfill the requirements of the class and the project
- Learn a lot of stuff
- Develop good teamwork skills
Ground rules for team behavior
- All members must show up on time
- All members must complete work/assignments on time
- Members must participate in all aspects of the project
- The team should recognize when members can or cannot
- Scheduling should be flexible to members’ needs
- Communication must be maintained by each member throughout
the project
- Communication will be by email and instant messenger.
- Appropriate roles will be filled as necessary and rotate
- Team meetings may be scheduled by majority
- Members need not all be present at a meeting but must come if
- The team shall be notified in advance if an individual member
cannot make a scheduled meeting
- Non-emergency meetings shall be announced by email to all
members at least 48 hours prior
- Team decisions by majority (ties broken by debate)
- The team will maintain a web site
- Possibility for continuous/sporadic updates
- Meeting Schedules
- Team Contract
- Team Picture
- Description of project with appropriate links
- Surveys will cover important aspects of the team’s work including
but not limited to
- Self-Participation
- Fun
- Progress in project assignment
- Progress in team goals
- Maintaining communication
- The team will occasionally hold team discussions
- Perceived participation of other team members
- All members must be present