Grant's little face

Grant Bowls!


Welcome to Grant Bowls! Bowling is one of man's purest trials of strength and sound mind. One must be able to not only throw a ball, but make it hit pins, in this perpetual struggle between stability, chaos, and the goodness of man. And you can get a pretzel with cheese on it.

Well, I'm inching up to 222. My latest series started out with my highest game yet, a 162. With three strikes and three spares, I'm actually starting to feel like a respectable bowler. However I still refuse to try adding any spin to the ball, which might be holding me back.

Other than that, my all-time personal second best of 157 first happened in Japan at the cleanest bowling alley I've ever seen with no smoking and brand new balls. I later tied it at Lanes and Games in Boston in lesser conditions.

Maybe someday I'll match my father's 222.

Date Location Game�Number Score Commentary
November 9, 2002 Lanes and Games, Boston 1/3 137
November 9, 2002 Lanes and Games, Boston 2/3 128
November 9, 2002 Lanes and Games, Boston 3/3 149 Personal Best for the Western Hemisphere
Best of the Night for Olin Bowling Club
Hit first 50 pins down. (four spares / one strike)
November 9, 2002 Lanes and Games, Boston (series) 414 Best Series of the Night for Olin Bowling Club
(Emma only played two games but would have won.)
Hit strikes or spares on all three tenth frames
December 7, 2002 Lanes and Games, Boston 1/2 135 2 strikes, 3 spares, fairly routine
I bowled with a ball that said "Mel" on it.
December 7, 2002 Lanes and Games, Boston 2/2 157 Personal best for Western Hemisphere
4 strikes (turkey on 9-10-10), 3 spares
I stuck with "Mel" through this game as well. Good ball.
5th game in a row with a three-ball 10th frame
May 10, 2003 Lanes and Games, Boston 1/3 109 1 strike, 2 spares
The beginning of a lackluster day.
May 10, 2003 Lanes and Games, Boston 2/3 96 no strikes, 3 spares
May 10, 2003 Lanes and Games, Boston 3/3 117 1 strike, 2 spares
May 10, 2003 Lanes and Games, Boston (series) 322 Worst I've done for a while.
December 26, 2003 Boulevard Bowl, Edmond, OK 1/2 106 A fun couple of games with the guys.
2 strikes, 1 spare
December 26, 2003 Boulevard Bowl, Edmond, OK 2/2 107 2 strikes, 2 spares
July 19, 2004 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 1/3 98 The Stevens lanes are very strict about fouling. If fouls hadn't counted I'd have bowled 135.
4 strikes (2 on fouls didn't count), 1 spare
July 19, 2004 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 2/3 104 1 strike, 2 spares
July 19, 2004 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 3/3 120 1 strike, 3 spares
July 19, 2004 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ (series) 322 This series was identical to my previous series on May 10, 2003. Every game started with a strike. If I had not fouled so much, I would have rolled a 359 series.
March 25, 2005 Boulevard Bowl, Edmond, OK 1/3 162 Personal best
3 strikes, 3 spares.
I beat my father and had quite a strong showing, mostly because I used a lighter ball.
But my improved performance didn't stay for long.
March 25, 2005 Boulevard Bowl, Edmond, OK 2/3 104 2 strikes, 1 spare
My hands started to tingle by the second game. I hope I'm not developing carpal tunnel disease. I still eked out a score about 100 though. My father beat me handily.
March 25, 2005 Boulevard Bowl, Edmond, OK 3/3 121 2 strikes, 2 spares
Rounding out the series, I picked this game up a bit toward the end.
March 25, 2005 Boulevard Bowl, Edmond, OK (series) 387 Not too bad, but not wonderful. My dad ended up winning, even with my vast lead after the first game. I still had the highest game of the night, though.
