Grant News Archive


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Too much going on!

So far this week, I have slept through my business class, I have prepared and performed PCR to sequence my own DNA, I have been trained by an improv comedy professional, I have gone to a class at an all-girls school, I have visited a sleep lab and tried on equipment, I have given a presentation at the faculty meeting, I have participated in a discussion about the entire curriculum of my school, I have chatted at length with the CEO of a small biotech company, and I have run a planning meeting for the student politics organization of my school, of which I am the president.

This school has to be the strangest place on Earth.

I should be working on my Circuits lab to make white noise, or writing an article for the school newspaper, or writing some reflections for Business, or for Design, or I could finally get around to declaring my major, which I decided on years ago, or I could...

go to sleep.

And yes, this webpage does still exist.

Friday, February 20, 2004


I remixed the Tetris A theme from the Game Boy. “Tetris A (Filter House Remix)” is now available on the Grant Music page.

Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Life is good.

This weekend will be very busy, however. Tomorrow I am booked straight through from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. I will have a couple hours to breathe, followed by the MCM, which will claim most of my life until this upcoming Monday. As for everything else, life is good.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

BSE will live on!

BSE has one fewer member, as you may well have heard. Chris, you will be missed, but we will keep in touch and the Chris spirit will still be with us this semester. Stuff happens. Time is always a good thing. Oh, and I'm in no way implying that you are no longer part of BSE. The Best Semester Ever will live on.

Tomorrow is my first Wellesley class! I can't wait to see the reaction of all the girls. This shall be interesting.

I'm reading The Double Helix by James Watson, co-discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA. Re-reading, that is. My Biology class at Olin requires it, but so did my AP Biology class, so I've read it before.

I just watched the Olin Challenge PBS spot and I must say things have changed dramatically since Partner Year. I'm listening to "Kernkraft 400" by Zombie Nation. Man things have changed. Right now I am in a nest of social conflicts of interest, but don't worry, I will take each of my friends at face value and well consider why I ever became his or her friend in the first place.

If this post sounds cryptic, that's because it is. Lately I feel like a changed man, ready to take on the world and what it has available for me. I'll give you a status report after this weekend.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


This webpage is officially back in action! That's right, Brian and Sheeva, this page is turning over a new leaf and providing actual content starting right now!

I wrote a Gamecube game with tkcne, also known as Austin. It is called Snowlords and it is based on the Atari 2600 game Warlords. The release was made official in #gcdev on EFNet and spread to websites such as and Maybe one of these days we'll get a screenshot. Today I searched for Snowlords on Google and found that there are two different French-language sites featuring our game! Check them out here and here! Each has its own translation! A longer translation from the second site can be found in the Google cache.

BSE stands for Best Semester Ever and is the club that Dan, Chris, and I started. It essentially involves getting out of Olin more often. I'll try to keep up with pictures. We went to the Lovewhip show at Bill's Bar and had a grand old time. Lovewhip features Olin's own AV Technician Warren Jones (alias "Wojo") on saxophone, keyboards, and telephone rap. I earned the nickname "John Travolta" over at IT.

My Wellesley class starts on Friday. I can't wait! I have Cognition with visiting professor Jesse Hochstadt. It's in the same room as Dan's Japanese class, and starts five minutes after he is let out.

Normalform is back up! Check out the new sections! Jon is leaning on my shoulder in the second T-shirt pic. You can see the "Do Something" Olin T-shirt's sleeve.

My sophomore design group will be researching people who suffer from sleep disorders and the people who treat them. Tomorrow we're going to visit a sleep center nearby and ask some questions and observe.

I bought the Spike Jonze DVD. More on that later.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

What's new?

A lot of changes for me lately. Tonight I'm singing up for my new courses. I'm excited about the new Circuits course that will be offered. I've also just started in Amateur Radio club, which fits pretty nicely with the whole circuits interest and everything. Other than that I think I'm going to take a class at Wellesley, although I haven't decided on one yet.

I've recently been hired to do the Research Working Group website. It's nice to actually have content and a goal for making a webpage. Maybe somewhere in the process I'll get some ideas for this page.

I'm coming home for Thanksgiving! I'm pretty excited, since I've really wanted to see my family lately.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Change of plans

In order to rescue this page from its abysmal status, I am now announcing that Grant Page Central will soon move to a static content format with a new design. For now all news updates have been pushed into Grant News Archive. Thanks for your patience.

Saturday, April 5, 2003

It’s April!

And there is snow outside. It doesn’t feel like the end of the school year is near. I bet if I were in a warmer climate I would have that great feeling I remember from Oklahoma that summer is coming soon.

The results are in for the MCM. Kathy and I received an Honorable Mention for our paper. The paper had some holes in it for sure but I think our approach was well thought out.

Dean Kamen is coming to town soon. This Wendesday Olin will be holding its Big Conversations day. Some students will be presenting to him some business ideas revolving around the dynamic balancing technology of the Segway. Just this week I found out that Steve Wozniak, cofounder of Apple Computer and general cool guy, will be coming for the next Big Conversations day in the next fall semester. I couldn’t be more thrilled.

More to come...

Saturday, March 8, 2003

What about last month?!

OK so that last update didn’t say a whole lot. I know, I know. Well here is an update on what's been going on in Grantland since I talked to you last.

I took the Mathematical Contest in Modeling with Kathy. The MCM is a mathematical modeling competition in which you get a few days more than a weekend to research, create a mathematical model, and write a paper about some system. This year we did Problem A, in which a motorcycle stuntman jumps over an elephant for a movie and lands in cardboard boxes. Our mission was to describe how cardboard would cushion his fall, although I would say our paper's strength was less in answering that question and more in considering a lot of different external factors that other groups may not have considered. Like, for instance, how to set up the shot so that it looks interesting in a widescreen 2.35:1 aspect ratio frame.

A week later was St. Valentine's Day and I started it off right by losing the ability to run Windows. I then ran off to Hillside Elementary and taught some fourth-graders about electricity and shocked them with a Van de Graaff generator. Sometime I might go visit the world's largest Van de Graaff at the Boston Museum of Science.

Speaking of Van de Graaff generators, my current project for my Project class is to build one. Que Anh, Sharon, Sutee, and I have almost finished making a clear handheld Van de Graaff that aims to make it more apparent to kids what is going on inside. It looks really swanky. We ordered our sphere from a backyard/pool decoration company, of all places, so ours looks the best in my opinion.

Well anyway after all that mess it was time to go to the Valentine dance. Beforehand my two dates, Clara and Janet, and I went with Dan and Frances to a pretty good Italian restaurant, Appetito, in Newton Center. From there we returned to Olin and the dining hall where a multiple-story cardboard Eiffel Tower had been constructed. The dance was somewhat fun and now Clara is my girlfriend. You might be asking, “What about poor Janet, your other date?” Well it turns out that now she is Dan’s girlfriend, creating the odd situation where one pair of roommates is dating another pair of roommates. Strange.

As if that wasn't enough, the next weekend I went to the 2003 Stanford Graduate School of Business Entrepreneurship Conference in Palo Alto, CA. We made some good connections and hopefully I’ll be emailing one of the graduate students I met that was helping to run the show so that Stanford and Olin can have some sort of officalized relationship. This is the strange stuff that goes on when you attend a brand new college.

Fast forward another weekend, and it’s once again time for an Olin College Candidates Weekend. This year we held two weekends, each with about seventy-five students. I must admit I wasn’t so involved this time around. Candidate weekends are quite impressive. The concept is that you apply to Olin, and then a certain number of students are invited to interview and interact with the students, faculty, staff, and administration of Olin. Out of those who attend, the entire class is selected with no regard given to the test scores, essays, or anything in the submitted applications. In other words, the admission staff wants to meet everyone and make sure they are Olin material and also that Olin is the right place for them. Candidate Weekend I ended with the Franklin W. Olin Players performing “The Foreigner”, which received a standing ovation. I wonder how much easier it is to get a standing ovation when your audience is filled with candidates who really want to get in? The second weekend ended yesterday with ExpressO, which was an open-mic talent show event culminating in a little mini-dance-party involving us, the faculty, prospective students, their parents, and the staff and adminstration. I don't know of any other school where this might happen.

Friday, March 7, 2003

Linux! I finally have windows again!

Yes I started this post with “Linux” and then followed up with “I finally have windows again!”

For the last three weeks I have been unable to run my Windows 2000 partition. I have therefore been (somewhat willingly) stuck in Gentoo Linux, an up-and-coming Linux distribution that makes people like me quite happy.

Thursday, February 6, 2003

Quick and dirty and lazy update

deklab: yo
deklab: whats the latest
nertzy: yo
nertzy: hmm
nertzy: I'm going to
nertzy: in a couple weeks
deklab: cool
nertzy: and the valentine dance is in a week
deklab: rock
nertzy: oh boy a valentine dance with 75 people
deklab: picked out the lucky lady?
nertzy: hehe not yet
nertzy: we'll see
nertzy: so many options
nertzy: you know the thing you touch and it makes your hair stand on end?
nertzy: electric big zapper deal
deklab: haha yeah
nertzy: Van de Graaff generator
deklab: sure
nertzy: well my class project right now is to build one
nertzy: after that we'll do some simple circuits
nertzy: then after that... we're supposed to design a product that uses wireless
nertzy: oh and it appears I'll be teaching electricity stuff to like 4th and 5th
         graders for community service every other week or so
deklab: hahaha
nertzy: hmm what else
nertzy: tomorrow is the big math competition
nertzy: from thurs to mon me and the other girl on my team will get a problem of
         the world and we have to solve it with math
nertzy: and write up a paper
nertzy: last year one of the problems was "fix airlines overbooking"
deklab: :)

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Longer two weeks.

I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been swamped with work and maybe I'll toss up some new content after I finish my math homework tonight. Anyway I wanted to make sure everyone knows I still exist and still plan on updating.

Oh, and I rode a Segway. Pictures to follow shortly.

If you're bored check out Taxi 2000.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Long week.

This week, I

Last Saturday I woke up nine hours earlier than usual and went to the Oklahoma National Guard 45th Infantry Brigade headquarters with Jon to pull cable and do other grunt work for a live broadcast (narrowcast?) to fifteen VIPs from Washington, including the Undersecretary of the Army. The troops were engaged in war games, teamed up with the Little Rock and Tulsa National Guard brigades to do tank battle against a common enemy simulated by computer. The point of the whole deal was for a fiber-optics company to show its worth to the higher-ups and get a hefty government contract to fiber up the country. And I made fifty bucks off of it.

CD Warehouse, based out of Oklahoma, is going out of business. They have to clear out all their merchandise so the CDs were only a dollar each. Jon Denmark, Jon Hutchins, and I cleaned out the place. Actually some other guy helped clean out the place when he bought nearly three hundred Latin albums. Anyway, I now have thirty discs more than before.

Jon is headed to the Sundance Film Festival! On two days’ notice, he’s headed to sunny California to meet with Jesse and drive to also sunny Utah. There he will watch several independent films and attend several parties and just in general do a lot of schmoozing. I know it will be great and he’ll have plenty to talk about.

Stargate, Inc. sells domain names for only eight dollars a year. If you want one, they’re so cheap it’s almost worth grabbing a couple. Jon nabbed again. I’m mulling over getting one myself. The other Grant lists several interesting domain names that have no owner.

My room now has the bed and television switched, among other things. Right in time for me to fly home this Monday! Now I can finally finish setting up my new room and sit back to enjoy it for an hour or so.

Austin and I made a pizza at Jon's house last night. I said “bake” and he said “broil”. The jury is still out on that, but I still think that it came out well after being baked for about eighteen minutes. What do you want on your Tombstone? We had pepperoni.

Thursday, January 9, 2003


That’s all you see at the Super Wal-Mart up on Danforth in Edmond, OK. Just go there and check it out. It seems like an entire quarter of the store has bikes hanging from the ceiling. I don’t know what the deal is. I guess Christmas was filled with sedentary gifts this season.

The movie has been shot. Not like with a gun but like with a Arriflex Camera (made in Western Germany). Everything went well, although we stayed up until 5:00 finishing. We even ordered a pizza at 2 in the morning from a place that offers baklava and milkshake delivery as well.

We watched the entire movie Backdraft between the first and second shots of the day, thus creating the new unit of time, the backdraft, equal to 132 minutes. We spent 7.5 backdrafts filming. You do the math.

I shot two hours of behind-the-scenes video footage and took about three hundred photos, which I just uploaded to my computer. Needless to say this was a well-documented venture.

The day after shooting, Jon, Austin, Lauren, Jesse, Farah, and I ate at the Chuck House, the best place to get a Chicken Fried Steak Dinner for about five dollars. Yes, five dollars. You know it’s quality when you have to order over a telephone at your table. For some reason, Jesse's phone was wired to the PA system. Farah played some early electronic music for me in the car and after we saw her off, the rest of us waited about thirty minutes in a Walgreen’s parking lot as Jesse complained to the managers and whoever about the scratched negatives on his pictures.

After that I had dinner with Stephanie at Ted’s Café Escondido, the best place to eat in Oklahoma City. This ’hidden cafe” has the best Mexican food you can find, which would blow the minds of the New England types I’m consistently surrounded by. It also blew my insides when mixed with a Chicken Fried Steak Dinner. Well, not really, but that’s a lot of food for one night.

My grandmother came down yesterday to help us move stuff between my old room and my new upstairs room. Now all that’s left is to do is move my bed and put a million things in their places.

Saturday, January 3, 2003


I'm filming the behind-the-scenes documentary for Jon’s new short entitled “Jeremy”. Today I spent from 11 am to 3 am shooting both production stills and video of the production process. I also helped the grips and others with various odd jobs. It's been quite an adventurous day.

I woke up today at 10 am which is about five hours earlier than I usually wake up. I then followed that with sixteen straight hours of working on the film. Needless to say I am somewhat tired.

Jon really pulled out all the stops and is shooting his latest short with a full professional film crew. The lead actress was in Miss Congeniality as Miss Tennessee, and has been featured in several other films. It is a pleasure and privilege to work with her. The lead actor met Jon through Jon’s parent's church connections and is a stage actor who is doing splendidly in his first on-screen performance.

Tomorrow will be the second and final gruelling day of filming. And to think I really only had less than twenty-four hours notice that I would be on the crew!

Monday, December 30, 2002

Monkey ball

These two words have dominated the previous week. As Jon was out of town, the gang and I have found it necessary to find new places to hang out. Monkey Ball and Monkey Ball 2, both by SEGA and for the Nintendo GameCube, have been crowd favorites. Anyone who’s buying any GameCube games anytime soon, get three for the price of two over at Amazon using this coupon. Just thought you should know.

Well Christmas happened. If you ask Austin, and I know you will, there were two christmases. “Christmas 2” was at Jesse's dad's house. And yes, they are Jewish, so it really wasn't Christmas at all, but this is Austin we're talking about. Anyway, Austin, Jiongyi, and I ate an eighteen-pound turkey over there (not seventeen-pound as earlier advertised). A@ron, Jesse’s brother, continually called Jiongyi “TC”, since he only ever knew of TC. Anyway eventually a ton of gravy spilled onto Jesse and, well, that changed the course of dinner substantially. Check out the picture from Austin’s site, “and then...”.

Other than that we held a more traditional Christmas at my house this year, albeit traditional doesn’t describe this one well. My cousin Nick played guitar, my brother Jon or I would play bass guitar, and my brother Kyle or I would play drums as Nick, my mother, or at one point a good portion of my aunts would sing the lyrics to Nirvana’s “In Bloom”. Yes, really. On Christmas.

If you want to be all superficial about Christmas, I got clothes and money. For once I realize that these are really what I want.

My life is slowly being sucked away by Linux. I have been optimizing my Gentoo Linux installation a lot over the last few days. Gentoo is wonderful. I compiled everything, starting with the compiler, so I know each program is fully optimized for my system. Also, installation is a breeze since I only need type emerge <progname> in order to install anything. Once I can find a way to update my web site in Linux, there will be a lot more updates to this site.

Last night we played poker to celebrate Jon’s return from Seattle. Everyone was there and we started out with 5 draw and 7 stud. After a while we tired of throwing around so many cards and instead settled on Texas Hold’em. I highly suggest Texas Hold’em as a more pleasurable poker experience.

I’m going to make a DJ mix. I think I might burn it to a CD. I might even give out a few copies. I don’t know.

Sunday, December 22, 2002

Back home.

Oklahoma, that is. I’ve seen a bunch of people so far. I haven’t seen Erin, Jim, and Heather for quite a while. We haven’t done much yet. Jon Denmark went to Washington, which has created a power vacuum as no one knows whose house to go to anymore. I’ve invited a bunch of people over here tomorrow.

My brother Jon and I traded rooms today. I now live upstairs and have inherited a conglomerated mess of old things that have passed down from me to Kyle to Jon and back to me. Sifting through old things has revealed lots of things like the prissy little journal book that my piano teacher gave to me years ago and has been sitting in the bottom drawer for nearly a decade.

Also found today was the VTech Video Painter. This device allows one to draw on his television. Tucker and I used it to make movies back in about fourth grade. Such classics as “Spacekids—The Final Generation”, “Jon: The Movie starring Jon Hutchins” and “Spacekids II—Journey to Triethyl” captivated audiences of my immediate family and neighbor friends for many years. We would draw each frame and then record it onto the VCR, adding a soundtrack later on a cassette tape. Well beyond our years. Perhaps the most epic of them all was “Giraffic Park”.

Every time I come back from Olin Jiongyi, Austin, and I talk about playing poker. Maybe it will happen tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Jon, Jesse, and crew are working on filming a short. Watch for it. It involves mystery, death, blood, and deception. In fact you might say it involves Murderous Deception. Be sure not to miss it.

Jim wanted me to write about how we went to go see the new skate park but didn’t skate on it and also how we went to the Taco Cabana and also how we went to go eat dinner tonight at the Delta Cafe and ate for free because Erin works there. I had my beloved Fried Corn on the Cob. Happy, Jim?

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Jesse, my photographer friend, has a photograph of me from a few years ago up on his site, Painting Light. Go check it out. It’s the one entitled “Breathe”. There are a couple of Jon as well.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Oklahoma in 2 days

I poked around on the Internet a lot these last few days of freshman semester I. The first oddity I came across was Splorp. I have been thinking of doing an independent study / passionate pursuit (as we call them) on typography. Essentially I’ve been considering designing my own font and getting some side credit for it. Well after casually browsing I found this Splorp site which is a blog of a certain Grant Hutchinson. Grant Hutchinson who has made fonts and is interested in several things I am also interested in. Grant Hutchinson who brags that he is number one when you search for “Grant Hutchinson” on Google. It so turns out that I am the number one result for the “Grant Hutchins” search on Google. Needless to say he will be receiving an email in his inbox shortly relating to this matter.

The scary thing is that this isn’t the first time I’ve run into this strange doppelganger phenomenon. A few years back when I was considering becoming a Japanese translator, I found a Grant Hutchins who lives in Oregon and is a Japanese translator. Needless to say I feel less unique when I find these people.

Another oddity I’ve found is this shoddy college report on medieval British literature that stole the image of Olin’s campus. Why did this person decide to steal an image from our website and reassign the Academic Center as a Beowulf museum? Since when is the Campus Center a shrine to King Lear? And the Olin Center as an archive of information on Arthurian Legend? Laughable at best!

Other than that I’ve just been sticking to pages like Sharpeworld and Coudal Partners for wasting time. The links here are marvelous. I’ve also been visiting Plep a little bit, but not as much as much of the content isn’t personally that interesting to me. One recent favorite is the Japanese park animals gallery.

Back in reality I’m finishing up my finals. All I have left is my Differential Equations exam.

Somehow I busted up my laptop. Thanks to Dell’s great service plan that I have bought into through my college, however, I have gotten, for free, a completely new plastic shell, touchpad, and motherboard for my laptop. And all just because my USB port was busted. No questions asked. I feel spoiled, but I am paying for it I guess.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Where to start?

Yesterday I went to the WBCN Xmas Rave Moby show at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston, MA. He billed it as a show in which he will be playing older songs in his journal. I was quite excited to get to hear some of the earlier more electronic songs. I found that this really wasn’t the case, however. The only old songs he played that he usually wouldn’t were “That’s When I Reach For My Revolver” and “Next is the E”. After playing a couple songs, he came out and said, “We have a goal for tonight. We’re going to play the longest show we ever have,” which was met by much applause. I was quite close to the stage. So close, in fact, that Moby himself stepped on my hand. I was right in front of two of the subwoofers and essentially leaning on them as Moby would jump up on it and play his guitar in such a manner that I would have to look directly up to see him. I was jumping up and down a lot, and had to watch the height so I wouldn’t bump into his… crotch. He stepped on my hand at one point and might have been pointing to me as I was jumping. Anyway Dan and I had a lot of fun. Dan was especially happy when Moby left and came back in a cheaply made shirt with iron-on letters that spell “COVER BAND”. Moby covered about ten of Dan’s favorite classic rock songs, some in different styles. Read about it on my new concerts page.

Anyway, after the show Dan and I waited around with the hope that Moby would come out and meet us or that something else interesting would happen. While waiting around I noticed that Moby’s beloved carrot juice was sitting on stage. I wondered if they would give it to us if we asked, half-jokingly. Dan pulled a roadie aside and said “Hey will you give us that carrot juice? It was his birthday,” to which the man responded, “You really want his backwashed carrot juice?!” Needless to say we received said carrot juice, which is now sitting in my room. It’s in a Dasani bottle.

This morning I checked Moby’s online journal to see if he had mentioned the idiotic jumping fan in front of him at the show or the fact that his carrot juice was missing, and instead I learned that after the show he had been attacked by three “preppy” men “with mace” who punched him in the face for no apparent reason. This comes as quite a shock, but Moby is not mad and did not fight back. Such is his style.

Just a few minutes ago I learned that the lead singer / Moog player / trombonist for Stereolab, Mary Hansen, has died in a freak bicycle accident. I am glad that Stereolab got to reason as much music as they did, something like an album a year for a full decade. I am quite impressed by their wide assortment, and have several of their limited edition vinyl singles. Every single they release comes in limited edition versions. I had the fortune to attend their recent show in Boston at the Avalon, one of the only shows that resulted in a double encore. I read a funny review of this show once, calling mine the “lamest crowd” ever for Stereolab. I thought it was quite laid back, and this reviewer thought it was rowdy. This shows the disparity between the shows the two of us are used to.

December 13, 2002
Actually, Mary Hansen was the vocalist /  guitarist. Laetitia Sadier is the lead singer / Moog player /  trombonist. Pardon my mistake.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

No more teenagehood.

My twentieth birthday was yesterday. It was one of the busier days I’ve had in a while, but it was nice that a few people did something for me! First at the Math Table showing of Good Will Hunting, Prof. Sarah Spence brought some cupcakes and even some salsa and chips. Much appreciated! After that I retired to my room around 11:30 p.m. and discovered that my bed was covered with balloons. There was a jar of silly string sitting next to my bed, and no one to be found anywhere. I wandered down the hall and ran into Nicole and Kathleen realizing they had missed their chance to surprise me. They had been waiting in my room for over an hour and went to look for me. Dan had no idea and was in the other room.

I went bowling the other day at Lanes and Games. I have been improving considerably lately. The second of two games resulted in a tie of my personal record. With just 100 in the 8th frame, I hit a strike on the 9th, strike on the 10th, third strike to make perhaps my first turkey in my life, and then rounded it out with seven more to make 157. I didn’t get the Ms. Pac-Man high score, however.

My cohort project course has completed. I feel that we could have done better on our design, but we did find a good amount of success. Our crowning achievement is that we spent only 6.5% of our budget. One of our goals at the outset was to set an example for thriftiness.

Similarly, all my other classes are winding to a close. A week from Thursday I’ll be flying back to Oklahoma for a full month. Not a full-month flight, but a full-month vacation. I just realized that I used “winding down” to describe my classes in the last post. I’m not very creative lately after all!

I was perusing the Coudal Partners website the other day and wandered onto the Photoshop Tennis competitions. The idea is that two designers representing different design groups send Photoshop “volleys” back and forth (spending approx. 30 mins–2 hours per volley) and then editing what comes back. The evolution of these graphics is quite interesting and often unexpected. One of my favorites is the transition from this to this. Anyway, I’ve challenged Jesus Fernandez to a little sparring match. Watch for this sometime soon.

The other day I became very interested in abandoned subway tunnels, tracks, and stations in the Boston area. I have been learning about parts of the MBTA “T” subway system are no longer running, including an elevated train called the “El” that used to run near Washington Ave up until the 1980s. It is being replaced by the new Silver Line. Anyway it makes me want to go visit an abandoned train station, although that would probably be a very bad idea.

Friday, December 6, 2002

Today I’m feeling creative. Maybe it’s the great amount of light outside reflecting off of the snow. Maybe it’s the fact that my classes are winding down. Maybe not.

Today my Moby tickets arrived! Moby is holding a concert this Wednesday at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston. This is where I saw Fountains of Wayne a couple weekends back. This should prove to be a good show, because Moby mentioned in his online journal that he is going to play his older more electronic songs. He’ll also have been off tour for a week at home in New York City, so he should be even more energetic than ever. Moby is also not only the headliner, but the only act playing. This means he will get all sorts of time to try new things and wow the crowd. Plus, the Paradise is such a cozy venue, where it’s literally impossible to stand more than about 30 feet from the stage. The show was sold out right after I decided to go, so I perused eBay for people reselling tickets. However, I found them pricey, so I emailed a guy whose auction didn’t sell and made him an offer and now have two tickets in my possession.

I went to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. The first night ended in a controversy that lead Jon, Austin, and I to leave Rima’s birthday party. That’s all I will say for now. Later that week, I bought a Korg Electribe EM-1 Music Production Station, a type of half-drum machine half-synthesizer little sound unit, at Mars Music, which is going out of business and having a huge sale. I literally watched it get marked down from 30% to 40% off. That’s like 40 bucks less. My brothers and I are going to form a band and try to record some music over Christmas break. Jon plays bass and (increasingly) guitar, while Kyle plays drums.

I’ve been sleeping a lot lately. My naps are dominating my days now. I’ve got to learn to stay awake.

My mom enters a lot of contests (or “sweeps”, if you’re so inclined). She wins about four or five contests a month now! The most significant prize won is an MP3 player. Now she’s got me hooked on Lee Dungarees Pants of Chance. This is the best slot machine ever. Free credits, and you might win oysters or tube socks. What could be better?!

Fear the Clown named one of my songs Song of the Day a couple weeks ago. Three of my friends used to be in a band named (at times) Pivot and (at other times) Shamespiral. I wrote a little ambient song entitled (creatively) “Shamespiral Intro” that was used to introduce their final two shows. I’ll throw it up on my Grant Music page in a bit.

I’ve added some pictures to my Grant Pictures page.

I’m about to go to bed so I can take the Putnam Exam tomorrow. The snow everywhere reflects the moonlight and makes it feel like day. This will be an adventure. I prefer to sleep in total sensory deprivation myself.

Tuesday, December 3, 2002

Don’t worry. I’ll post up here really soon! With a lot of new material, including details of my trip back to Oklahoma. I promise. And yes, I have stories to tell!

Sunday, November 17, 2002

I bet you didn’t know that JFK did cocaine.

December 10, 2002
No one pointed out to me that it said procaine and codeine, not cocaine. Man, you’d think someone would catch that when it was only one line to read and one link to click. Especially with such a controversial subject. Oh well, I’m sure JFK did cocaine as well.

Monday, November 11, 2002


I’m sitting at my desk sipping an Orange Slice. Newton’s Principia was stolen the other day. I guess they let anyone request it and put their grimy paws on it. Someone’s grimy paws were sticky this time.

I’ve had the busiest weekend imaginable! It all started Friday (as weekends usually do) when I left with Nicole, Jesus, and (note the change in roster) Kori Haymore, one of the new students. We went to the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. It was very nice. We stayed in the Innermost Cabin, which was barely enough to fit four people and a Franklin stove. We walked around a bit and then sat by the fire and kerosene lamps reading the journal entries from previous guests. Of particular interest were the horror stories by various eleven-year-old children. My favorite was “Werewolf Man” although “Pigmonkeyman” was also a favorite. I’ll post fulltext up here soon.

The next morning I got back from Ipswich with less than 15 minutes to go before once again leaving to go to the only proper bowling alley in all Boston. It turns out that New England has its own special type of bowling called Candlepin Bowling that seems inferior. The balls are smaller and the pins are simple cylinders. Hardly engaging! Anyway I got my best three game series in my life. I’m launching a new section of my page devoted to bowling scores. This may sound odd, but I’ve wanted to do this for about five years now. I got 137, 128 and 149. 149 was the best game of the night and my second best score ever, although the best average score goes to Emma Goodman, an IMSA girl from the great bowling state of Illinois. The last game was quite eventful in that I hit the first 50 pins down without a slip. Four spares and one strike.

Later that night back at Olin we held a Dead or Alive 3 tournament in the Dining Hall on the big projected screen. The scene was quite impressive, quite larger than life. I’m not a big fan of 3D fighting games or the X-Box in general so I merely spectated. Afterwards I felt nostalgic so I downloaded MAME in order to play Galaga. Well worth my trouble.

The next morning I woke up to attend a five-hour session on the traditional Japanese board game Go. I am starting to enjoy it more and perhaps I will get better at it. It is perhaps the most complicated game I know and there’s no chance for me (or any human or even a computer) to ever master the game. The best Go-playing computers can’t beat twelve-year-olds. Go was heavily featured in the movie Pi: Faith in Chaos which is coincidentally my favorite movie.

Right after that I took my take-home physics final in what would turn out to be the only three-hour patch of free time for the weekend. Keep in mind it’s already Sunday by this point. I had to hurry up and finish the exam (which I felt I did quite well on, even though there were many little details to consider).

I really wanted to go to the local Mars Music store because they are going out of business nationwide. Everything must go! Prices marked down 20-40%! That means a lot for musical equipment! That can make or break so many potential sales! My mom and I were talking about buying an electric guitar so that we can complete the newest boy band craze at home, Hutchins. Hutchins is like Hanson except instead of being from Tulsa, OK, we are from Edmond, OK. No difference. Except shorter hair. Anyway it turns out that both locations near me were in the list of four stores nationwide that have already closed, so I didn’t get to go run around crazily and pick out items like candy. Oh, bother.

The weekend ended on a wonderful note when I went with Sheeva to the Fountains of Wayne concert. It was at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston on Comm Ave. This venue is great! I highly recommend it! The place is so small and cozy and right when I walked into the auditorium I found myself right in the center only 6 or 7 people back. I stayed there and danced with Sheeva the whole time, often to an extent much greater than that of the considerably older populace about us. While there I bumped into Que Anh and Erin McCusker, both of whom had accompanied Alex Valdivia. This means that 7.5% of our school was there. I got there an hour after doors opened and I completely missed the first act, OKGo. I should have known Que Anh would come since she is obsessed with them. The show ended relatively early but started relatively early as well. I knew every song except for the ones that are on the new album. The verdict on the new material? Fountains of Wayne are coming back for more in their third release due out this spring, moving in a more experimental direction while continuing to capture the familiar catchiness and heart of their earlier work. By the way, nothing beats the final piano of “Leave the Biker”. It sent shivers down my spine. After the second (!) encore I grabbed a nice brown shirt that says simply “FoW” and got back home with a good amount of time to goof around and then get a good night of sleep.

Keep in mind that I am also sick and this last weekend was met with much coughing. I’ve vowed to slow down my plans this week and let this finally subside.

Tuesday, November 5, 2002

Pretty much everything is done!

Not really, but I don’t have much to do anymore. I got my EC lab written up.

In other news, our Project class is wrapping up with the ASME ramp project and moving on to new projects because we feel that we should be covering more material than we are. I am currently brainstorming some project ideas, including one that might involve developing a product with Jay Gantz to possibly try to get to market. Depends on how ambitious I’m feeling. We have a good idea that might be profitable, or might not even be possible. We’re through with calculus in my Mathematical Foundations in Engineering I course, so now we’re starting Differential Equations. I am quite happy for that, as I haven’t really had any new math for three years now.

Dan Frey, the Professor for our Project class, recently decided to leave Olin and go to MIT to head a high-profile design class that involves robots and some sort of competitive edge. It often makes it onto television shows like Scientific American Frontiers. The MIT course has previously been run by Woodie Flowers, who used to host Scientific American Frontiers and is currently shared by both Olin and MIT. We’ll all miss Dan but it sounds like a wonderful opportunity that he definitely deserves.

Sheeva and I are going to the Fountains of Wayne concert on Sunday! Fountains of Wayne are great. Every song I’ve ever heard from them sticks in my head and I know all the lyrics even though I don’t try.

Also, today Nicole invited me to go with Jesus and Kathleen to a cabin in Ipswich for Friday night. I think it should be fun. I’ve never been to Ipswich and frankly I’m not sure where it is. It’s an hour away.

November 11, 2002
But Kathleen was busy so Kori ended up coming instead. Why is this important? I have this strange obsession with who is with me and where they are situated in relation to me. I often have dreams where I can only remember sitting with a group of people at a table. I remember where each person sat and somehow it seems quite important to me. Just one of those things.

In other words, I am quite busy this weekend and I’ll get a Physics test tomorrow that’s due Monday. I hopefully will get it done tomorrow night. Then there’s the Calculus test I get tomorrow as well, but isn’t due until Wednesday. It all compounds.

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Will everything ever be done?

I have shown up approximately 2 minutes late to each and every class this week, which is quite embarrassing. I also haven't been getting much sleep. Oh well. I'm getting all my work done, even if it means spending four evenings out of my week trying to get data for my silly lab.

Nicole and I are currently trying to measure the temperature of a hot plate and a cup of water being heated by the hot plate. We wrote a program in MATLAB that measures the temperature and then controls the hot plate so that the water ends up at exactly 50 degrees Celsius.

Other than that, I'm leaving for the Big Apple late tomorrow night. I'm excited because Tucker and I are going to a really nice Mexican restaurant. Dan, Tucker, and I went to Taco Bell after the Area 2 show and it was like manna sent from heaven. Other than that we don't get much Mexican food up here. When I say that, however, I am lying through my teeth. Our dining hall makes some really good tacos and nachos and whatnot, as per our request. We have the freaking best dining hall on the planet.

Jam Master Jay was killed today. He was influential in early 80s hip-hop and as the DJ for Run-DMC helped pioneer much of what music is like today. He was not a gangster/thug/idiot. He leaves behind a wife and three children. It comes as a shock to see him go, as there seems to be no reason for anyone to have a grudge against him. He was shot while in the recording studio. News stories compare it to Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. but there really is no comparison, as those two had lifestyles that put their lives at risk anyway.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

hey! k. sitting.

Austin made an AI bot for AIM. You can talk to him and he will spit out a mish-mash of words that other people have said to him. IM him at A35U. If it says anything offensive, don't blame Austin. It only says what it learns from other people.

I'm writing some C code to prove to the EC professors that I can program and therefore don't need to sit through the C lectures. Sounds good to me! The program takes the numbers 1-9 in order and using only the operators + and * finds the value 2002. For instance, "1+23+456*7*89" equals something that isn't 2002, but if it did then my program would show that it works. Anyway they're having us write it in emacs in Linux. What better way to program than in a foreign text editor on a foreign operating system.

Tonight I'm going to the CS Discussion Group, which meets weekly. We discuss computer science type stuff. Last week I was the host and did a presentation on security.

Other than that I need to pack for New York and get music ready for the big Olin Halloween party this Friday night. I'm the DJ.

You know what's cool? This is. Watch the Full Live Demo if you have twenty minutes to burn. Jon D., you'll like this. I entered to win the contest. Everyone enter the contest and if you win, give it to me and I'll write you a song and name it after you. Also, if you want to donate $1795 to the Get Grant an MC-909 Groovebox fund, I'd be much obliged.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Another day, another dollar.

I'm eating Trader Joe's Shredded Bite Size Wheats while waiting my turn for the shower. I'm about to go to Project class with Dan Frey where I'm going to work with my team on our design for the ASME Design Competition. The contest is to see how much rice we can move up a ramp by using only the energy from 2 liters of water that drain out of a bucket about a meter or so off the ground.

Anyway, I'll get into more detail later, as Dan (Lindquist this time) is now getting out of the shower.

Yesterday Jon Denmark was talking to me about how he had just learned that his grandparents read his webpage. Not more than two hours later my dad called to check up on me and offhand mentioned that my grandparents read my webpage. On the same day.

I'm thinking about going to the Fountains of Wayne show a week from this Sunday. Their music has been in my head for the last two 24-hour cycles. I sent out an email to Sheeva and Brian so I could catch up with my webpage's two greatest (only?) fans. I'm gonna see Sheeva in a couple weeks which is good since it's been forever. I just got an email from good ol' Brian Morrow. I've been catching up with him and he's doing good. He's inspiring me to start an Olin academic team. I think we need one, and I'm ready to start it and be captain if need be.

Other than that I'm reading Richard Wright's Black Boy for my Bodies in Motion class. Aiee! I have to read 384 pages. Oh well at least I enjoy it.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

There's a lot going on, but also not much.

I'm going to NYC next weekend with Kathleen (Dupaya). I'm going to meet up with my good friend Tucker, who goes to Columbia University. I'm very excited because on Saturday night I will be seeing the Chemical Brothers! The Chemmies are the number one ultimate best most wanted band for me to go see in concert ever, so hopefully this will be good. I've already missed the opportunity to see their shows four times. While I was in Paris, they played two shows in London. While I was in London, they played a show in Paris. They had their first US tour in three years, but only came as close as New York. I planned a trip to go down to see them, but then couldn't find a ticket after they sold out. Now, finally, they are playing another final show in New York. (The only show only according to their itinerary) This means that this show is some sort of special occasion, so I won't be seeing them in the tour mode where they're playing shows each night. Hmm, sounds like a good opportunity to debut some new material, eh?

Save Karyn. Don't save Karyn.

I just got back from the Knight Party at Pepsico Gymnasium. I don't know why it's a Knight party when it's not at Knight Auditorium, but it is. That's Babson for ya. Anyway I had fun until they played Rednex's "Cottoneye Joe". Whoever wrote that song should be shot! I refuse to dance to it.

October 29, 2002
My mom reminded me that "Cotton-eyed Joe" is an old song that's been around for centuries and has been recorded many times over the years. Let's all hope the next person who does makes a much better song than, shudder, Rednex.

I'm DJing a party at Olin this weekend (right before I leave for New York). I think I'll play some U96 and a track or two from Fatboy Slim's "On the Floor at the Boutique" mix album. It's always good to play good has-been music.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Everything's on the up and up.

Right now I'm in between classes. This morning I had my Arts and Humanities course, "Bodies in Motion", which is all about immigration and stuff like that. It's really great to learn about early 1900s life. I also like having a class with Babson students (and a Babson professor) in it.

Later this afternoon I have Engineering Computing, which is a course all about using computers to receive inputs and control things. Our homework last night was to write programs that record sound and then play it back. We also made some that are triggered by clapping. This should be one of my favorite courses this year. We're going to do other things like control hot plates based on the temperature and stuff like that.

Yesterday my team of four started building a structure for our ASME Design Contest courses. In other words, we are all operating dangerous machinery. I'm now trained on the circular saw, jigsaw, drill, and router. I must say I enjoy it, although I can really tell that I'm going to be an ECE major.

Over the weekend I went into Boston proper, or actually Cambridge I guess. While in the land of the Cantabrigian we frequented the Tower Records in Harvard Square. They have a section of singles (almost half of which are imports) that are priced quite surprisingly low, so I picked up about 5 or 6 CDs each under 3 dollars. That's less than the price of an album nowadays it seems. I also bought an Atari Teenage Riot vinyl EP and a couple of DVDs, namely Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy and the Prodigy's new video "Baby's Got a Temper".

And all day long I listen to Radio FG.

For now, it's lunch time!

Tuesday, September 3, 2002

Things are hectic.

I haven't had a break in ten days. Yes, ten days. I think it will be better by this weekend, but I literally have only had about 24 hours of free time so far, and they have been spent climbing a mountain.

Not that I'm trying to sound too negative here. I'm just involved in a lot of things right now. It should taper off pretty soon. But it's just that I'm not completely unpacked yet and I've lived here for ten days.

I'm going to speak with my professors about my workload, although I do think it's getting more reasonable.

Anyway, hopefully I'll post a new message up here when I have something more positive to report. I have done many great and fun things lately. Also I hope to have a pictures section soon.

Sunday, September 1, 2002

No more complaining.

I've actually updated my site! Unfortunately this is one of those crappy updates where I cop out and say I'm really busy and can't update nearly as often. Maybe I will move away from the news model and go more towards random pages of random content. I think that would be more fulfilling. If I'm really ambitious I'll do a weekly update.

But don't count on it, I have physics homework.

Friday, August 23, 2002

Move in day is tomorrow!

People are arriving in droves. The anticipation is building. Sweat is forming on everyone's brow.

September 1, 2001
...and right then I lost the connection to my webspace. I've only just now been able to get back on. I know, I know. It's horrible. Well live with it, I'm starting school again.

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Two more days.

For lunch I had McDonald's. It was fun. I hadn't been in awhile. I ordered the Double Cheeseburger Meal, confusing it for the Two Cheeseburger Meal. I guess I'm just that unobservant, at least at McDonald's. I've been using ketchup on my fries again lately. I went many years with no ketchup. It was somewhat nice to taste the potatoes more. Now ketchup is exciting again, however. I enjoy it. I guess that's the secret to enjoying life. Artificially prevent yourself from doing something, then do it after a long enough delay. It makes life more interesting.

Today I was all over the place. From the (old) ECE Lab to the (fake) IT room on the (real) campus, I ran around with the Linux Posse. The Linux Posse is Gill, Brian, Ben, and I. We stormed on into IT and told them how to partition the machines. We were quite the vigilantes, I must say. I also met Aaron, the new Linux/Unix admin. Well anyway we had trouble figuring out how to do it, so I gave up and left.

While I was up there, I helped Adam and Rod move Jesus and Adam's big table to its final resting place. The table is filled with memorabilia from last year. Jesus joking said he could make anything (including a coffeetable) for his art project last year. Well, it morphed quickly from a joke to actuality, and it's a beauty. The History and Mystery of Mars - Episode 4 is on there, as is the tiny vase Adina gave me before she had to return to Transylvania.

I saw the first new students arriving today, Ben Bloom and Mikell Taylor. There will be a large flood of people coming in tomorrow. Joy! Both the emotion, and the Olin student.

I'm going camping! The Olin Outing Club is going to stay the night up on the border between New Hampshire and Maine. Afterwards will be a hike up some mountain, which I may or may not do, considering my strange shallow breath syndrome.

Cough, cough.

I packed a ton of stuff today. Tomorrow I'll finish up the little things, and the next day I'm out of temporary housing once and for all!

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Tired. So very tired.

Today was quite a long day. It all started simply enough, with yet another day of toying around with op-amps and such. Then Sara barged in and abducted me from Ben.

We went to get the Olin Honor Code back from the framing company. The framing company on the way to Framingham, that is. We got there and had to pick out a blue for the matte. The workers very visibly wanted to slack off, so we ran off to Wendy's and both had Spicy Chicken Sandwiches.

As we were leaving, there was a guy who drove by with the letters WOW who held up a card that said "WOW" to Sara. It stands for "Whip Out Wednesdays". It's from the Opie and Anthony radio show, which seems to be drivel. Essentially when a girl sees this on a Wednesday, she's supposed to flash the guy back. Yeah, that'll be really successful.

After Wendy's, we picked up the Honor Code, along with the wrong frame for the [secret Orientation 2002 activity deleted]. I got to deliver the Honor Code to the new campus and see the Campus Center again.

Bret, Alex, and Julie are now here. Along with Susan, they've moved to the real residence hall. They are this year's R2's. I never thought I'd see the day when Olin students would live in real buildings.

After work, I was instantly pulled along to go eat at the Cheesecake Factory. Only, it didn't work out. The wait for our unannounced group of fourteen would have been a couple hours, so we instead went to Papa Razzi across the street. Yes, two words. Anyway I highly suggest it. The food was great and they worked very hard to seat us within about 20 minutes. Plus I got to have garlic!

Mmm, garlic. It's healthy for you, you know.

After that I packed a lot of stuff. It's going to take a lot of boxes, as my room is filled with tons of crap. The hardest part is pretty much out of the way, though.

Have you heard the song from the new artist Mario? Yes, " Just a Friend 2002". Well I don't like it! They took a wonderful Biz Markie song and did a cover. Well, it's not so much of a cover as taking the chorus from a humorous sarcastic song and making it into a sappy R&B tune. I must say I am appalled. The original is one of those few videos I remember watching and loving from MTV back around 1989 when I first discovered music videos. It's right up there with Deee-Lite's "Groove is in the Heart" (which I have on vinyl, no less). DJ Towa Tei is the coolest! The lead singer, Lady Miss Kier, is now a DJ as well. So that, along with Supa DJ Dmitry, makes every member of the band an active DJ right now.


Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Sometimes you just gotta let the nerd out of yourself.

I generally try to adopt a nerd-free attitude on life, but today was an unusual situtation. I started by wearing my RAM necklace that Gary made for me back in Mr. Gowen's class.

Later in the day, while I was marking up the C tutorial into validating HTML, just as a nerd might do, Sean pulled me aside with a few people to take a picture for the new Olin Library website. Like the nerd I am, I picked up 2600 and started reading it for the picture.

The plot really thickened when yesterday's plan worked out. Olin made Slashdot!!! It really killed our website. Traffic halted to a stand-still. I was pretty happy with the hundreds of comments that came pouring in after the article got posted. Sean and I frantically worked to dispel rumors and generally share our experiences with the Slashdot community.

Anyway, Grant Page Central was the recipient of direct attacks! I must say I find it highly entertaining. Maybe I shouldn't have glorified this flame with a response, but I had a lot to say. Hopefully I was fairly professional about it.

Also, some MIT students want to throw a party with us now that they discovered us on Slashdot. I know it's scary to imagine making social connections with MIT through Slashdot, but I still think it has a good chance of working out! (NERD ALERT!)

In other news, Sara and I ate at Pacini's today. We both had the lasagna. Very cool.

I saw Tucker for the last time today. He's off to New York and Columbia University on Sunday; until then he's back in Oklahoma City. How ironic, he's in OKC and I'm in Boston. We talked about Einstein's Theories of Relativity for a while and he took off. We've been getting in long discussions lately. It's healthy. You should try it.

I'm starting to really think television is dumb. From defending my blog today to engaging in long conversations, I must say the human factor is much more important than watching the boob tube. I know I watch it a lot, but I at least try to do more productive things. If you ask someone what the best thing they did while watching TV was, I bet it's a ton worse than the best thing they've done without TV.

I've starting ripping down my posters and packing some stuff up. With only three packing days left, time is of the essence for sure.

Sheesh! I'm pooped! I'm going to bed!

Monday, August 19, 2002

Welcome to the future.

Have you ever noticed that we live in the future? I know we literally don't, but at least we are starting to live in what I call the "classical future". For instance, we now have cloning. We talk about sending people to Mars as an afterthought. I can play poker against Gerard Depardieu online and not even know it. The Segway Human Transporter runs off your subtle subconscious movements.

What if going to Mars was an economic question rather than a technical one?

Reading Slashdot clues me in on several technological innovations and generally cool things. Sean and I are plotting to get Olin on Slashdot. That would be good, even if it would kill our servers. The hype alone would generate new applicants almost certainly. Keep your eyes peeled.

I babysat for four hours today. Mark Somerville's two daughters and I ran around Needham Center in the park there. We would have played with the children statues running in a circle, but they had new concrete poured underneath them. After that we watched the Blue's Clues DVD, guest starring, of all people, Ray Charles. Luckily they don't have a TV to watch at home (which probably is a boon to their development), so they watched very intently, making my job all the easier.

That last sentence was rife with dependent clauses.

Other than that, today Dan packed up most of his things. The room is now very bare. The move is upon us! We're all so ready. Just five days to go, which reminds me, I need to make sure the sign is getting updated in the MAC that shows how many days are left. As the MAC is actually called the Modular Academic Center, I've heard the use of RAC for Real Academic Center pick up. I don't really like this new name, but perhaps it will stick. It wouldn't make sense too many years from now, in the real future.

Some WTC survivors/families are adding insult to incredible injury by suing the terrorist funders for trillions of dollars. To demonstrate the size of their suggested amount (US$116 trillion), the Gross World Product is around $US46 trillion. That means all economic output of all countries would have to go toward paying these people for three years. That's the equivalent of a Bill Gates per each person killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks. It's also 20 of our national debts. I hate to have to be the one to break it to you, but I don't think these Saudis have as much money as you're wanting.

Tort reform may save the world someday. It certainly could have saved my mother from sitting through a frivolous lawsuit involving a guy spilling a coffeepot on himself. Accidents happen. We've got to learn to live with them. I refuse to suffer for your unrelated random misfortune.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002
I forgot to mention my mom was on the jury. I don't want people to start inserting her in random roles such as judge or bailiff, or even lawyer.

I'm not trying to come off as so ranty. I'm really in a good mood. I promise!

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Yet another day in Needham.

There has been a preponderance of food here at Olin. We feasted today yet again, trying to get rid of all this excess food. My parents pointed out I talk about food a lot on here. Yes, my parents do read this on a regular basis. Blogging is a great way to both record what you've done and communicate it to friends and family.

I'm looking for a nice lampshade. Last year I had an extra lightbulb lying around so I bought the most minimalist lamp I could find for it. It is literally a metal pole with a lightbulb on top, nothing more. I even left it out without a lampshade to be really minimalist. Now my goal is to find (or create?) a clear yet polarized (think sunglasses) lampshade that only lets light come through at certain angles. Unfortunately, a Google search for " minimalist clear polarized lampshade" returns zero results. I guess I just really want to be passé. I saw this great lampshade in Wired magazine for 26 dollars, which I found reasonable, but the website says you have to order in sets of two. That's pretty dumb. They lost my sale.

Today Tucker came over and played Warcraft III with the Olinites. He writes a lot of webpages for Quik Internet. We both use the same HTML editor, HTML-Kit. That surprised us both. He's leaving for Oklahoma City on Wednesday, then getting back Saturday night and going straight to NYC on Saturday to move in. I hope to visit him soon.

I've busted my Handspring Visor Prism. Luckily my dad got these "bonus points" from his employer (or should I say, they gave him points in lieu of actual money) that can go towards a new Palm m515. I hope it's good; it looks like it is. Sometimes I can't help feeling like the spoiled kid getting a new toy when his old one broke. There was a guy at my high school who totalled his Corvette convertible (or whatever) and so his parents bought him a Hummer the next day. Oh well, at least in my case I use the thing constantly. Anyone here can vouch for that. I use my PDA on a very daily basis, mostly for actual useful things. Plus, it's hard to say no when there's no actual money involved. These silly points won't spend themselves, and hardly hold their value.

Companies losing my sale, points that don't hold their value... Today's update has been very economically depressing. Hope there is an upturn soon. Doesn't look like anyone else does.

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Today was spent in Hudson, NH.

Susan invited us all to her house for a pool party. It was grand. We had lots of food and horsed around in the water for many hours on end. Afterwards we went to the Old Homes Days carnival thing. Other than the power going out, there wasn't too much going on, so we went back to Susan's house and vented some frustration over construction issues and the process of moving in next week.

Good times.

I've been getting a lot more exercise recently. Last thursday I played Olin Pick Up Basketball (O'Pub). I wore my Japanese headband so I could look cool like Ryu. I know he's a street fighter, not a basketball player, but then again this isn't the NBA. After basketball and also after swimming today I'm starting to notice I'm short of breath. I hope this is more because of just being out of shape lately and less because of something asthmatic.

On a complete sidenote, performing the Heimlich maneuver can be good for asthma relief. I've become a bit of a fan of Henry Heimlich, after seeing some TV specials on him. He advocates replacing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with the Heimlich manuever, which actually makes sense once you see the statistics.

My other hero is Douglas Engelbart, inventor of the computer mouse and other things we take for granted. His was the second computer on what would become the Internet! Think about how useful a one-machine Internet is for a bit. I can't really vouch for that last fact, though, I just remember hearing about it once. Here I am propogating a silly rumor.

Now I shall propogate myself to bed.

Friday, August 16, 2002

It's 3 AM and I'm writing this from in my bed.

Today was yet another fulfilling day at Olin College. I finished up the ANSI C Tutorial HTML job. Now all I have to do is add all 17 appendices.

For lunch I had the best chicken pot pie ever. The top half was mashed potatoes. It was a microwave version of course but it was quite tasty to say the least. I washed it down with some Moxie, the classic New England soda and oldest marketed carbonated beverage in the United States. It leaves such a bitter taste in your mouth, but it's so many differing flavors you can't resist taking another sip.

For dinner we all went to Rachel Weinstock's house. She's our Director of Financial Services. We had some burgers and hot dogs. We had the inevitable discussion on how New England hot dog buns are top-loading, while everywhere else they are side-loading.

Yes, it's true.

We got back to the dorm and found that Ann Marie is back. Nicole had arrived just prior to the barbecue. Thus begins the mass exodus of students back to Olin, culminating in the first meeting of all 75 students (since Candidate Weekend) this Saturday.

Saturday, August 18, 2002
Dan just reminded me that 11 of the Virtual Partners weren't at the Candidate Weekend, so this will actually be the first meeting of all 75 students ever.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
Kate just pointed out to me that it's hard to have an exodus back somewhere. Very true.

I once watched a video from this site trying to convince me to join in on some strange IT venture pyramid scheme thing. See if it frightens you away too.

The world is filled with cruft. Sometimes I just sit back and notice how many things around us are a product of ideas that were never really taken to full fruition. The cheap silverware I eat with isn't designed that well. The spoon is very flat. They could have made the spoons much better, but they didn't. They got lazy and put out a quick product. There is no good reason the spoons couldn't have had a better curve to them. Millions of Wal Mart shoppers are stuck eating off these a set of this detritus of the Earth.

And here I am up at 3:41 AM writing a webpage about nothing. The irony.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Insert first sentence here.

I saw the new campus today!!! I went to the Campus Center to help Sara move some boxes for the Office of Student Life. I got to look around quite a lot. We didn't get to go to West Roxbury to pick up the Honor Code, however. That would have been fun, although if we overshot and went to Roxbury we would have been shot or something, at least according to advice we were given.

Dan is playing Warcraft III. I was watching for a while. They play this map called Save the WTC Beta! that is very sad. It's so bad, so terrible. It's definitely something awful.

I started packing my room up for the Big Move. Ten days from now the updates will be coming from the Residence Hall on Olin Way. Our buildings have the address "Olin Way" without any numbers. I've also seen versions that say "1000 Olin Way", so I'm confused. I like the name though. It's like, we do things the Olin Way. As long as it's not some sort of cult we're doing OK.

I'm "webifying" the Olin College C Tutorial on the job now. Maybe it will be public, and people can learn C from the comforts of their own homes. Of course there are a billion others out there, but I'm sure people would come to ours because of the wonderful design.

Not that you're interested or anything.

Dan showed me this webpage that hosts Photoshop competitions. Essentially some guy makes a Photoshop pic, then the other guy fights back by editing the pic, then it goes back and forth until there have been ten versions. There is running commentary and score is awarded. All this in a time limit.

Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link

I don't know if I'll ever live that last paragraph down.

Steve just called my webpage bad. Go look at his and compare! OK, his does have more penguins; I guess I did lose this battle. But how about a match of Photoshop Tennis?

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

It's alive!

Or more accurately, it's not. While Joles, Kate, Will, and I were returning from Borders, we joked about roadkill. Our joking was a little premature, as two minutes later we hit an opossum. Dead. At least it wasn't a deer.

Everyone at Olin has been enjoying their newfound Borders coupons. I bought Stereolab's latest album (to my knowledge), Sound-Dust, for half price. Any Stereolab album is worth buying. I own three now. Stereolab is a little strange. I saw them with Dan and Jesus earlier this year at Avalon. They use Moog synthesizers and trombones and normal instruments. Very well, I might add. Also, whenever they release vinyl singles, they only make a limited number. Sure, they've released dozens, but every time you see one, it's like you just gotta buy one, since you'll never see that one again. I have several I found in Europe, and one I found in Oklahoma City.

Today I helped Sara make a wonderful kickin' Word template. It was freaking awesome.

The last CD I bought before today was Deadsy's Commencement. Deadsy is a weird hybrid between 80s new wave and late 90s-present quasi-goth nu-metal. They also prominently feature synthesizers. The lead singer is P. Exeter Blue, who just happens to be the son of Cher and Robert Altman. They do a cover of Rush's "Tom Sawyer" that has confused many people into believing they were listening to the original. Each band member has a color and theme. P. Exeter Blue's theme is academia (how's that for a metal band?) and his color is International Klein Blue. Yes, IKB! No wonder I like it.

August 16, 2002
It turns out that it was really Greg Allman, of the Allman Brothers. To repay you, here is a bonus Deadsy link.

Today work was slow. Tomorrow the stuff is moving to the real campus! My job is quickly going to change. The Campus Center has been given a temporary unofficial occupancy permit, to hold us over until it gets the real one in a few days. This is a great thing, since we need to move in and only have 14 days left before classes start. The Classroom Building and Residence Hall are still lagging. Let's home I have somewhere to live a week from Saturday!

Erin emailed me yesterday. She said she heard from TC. I need to get in contact with him. She said he might want to visit before school starts, but at this rate it won't happen. Right now I'm completely out of touch with him.

While at Borders, I looked through all the books. For some reason, only science books interest me. I don't care for fiction. I only like reading fact, especially about math, physics, or computers. Music too, I guess. We really need a library. We have a pretend library over in the MAC that carries 2600. I think that's so cool.

My motherboard's stupid built-in sound card won't work. In Linux, at least. It autodetects it fine, but then nothing happens and the sound server fails. Great. I'll just go buy a cheapo Sound Blaster 16. Dan got this program from Linux that emulates two 303s, an 808, and a 909. It's very nice. And free.

Tuesday, August 13, 2001

A change of pace would be nice.

I'm writing today's update from outside. I'm sitting on the deck behind the Mod. The air is moist and clean, and it is still quite warm out, for 12:45 AM at least. I'm looking at the new campus, where I'll be living in two weeks. I took some pictures of it, which I'll try to post later, although it's very dark and they didn't come out so well. Susan said some buildings were inspected the last few days, but none have probably passed yet. Soon we will be moving equipment over.

I wrote my learning plan today. Actually I only started it. I have to have it done by Thursday to show to my advisor, Prof. Mike Moody. It was more of just a draft. Probably I should be more serious. Or not. I still have lots of time, relatively speaking.

I have a theory. There are two types of people: car people and computer people. I know this is an overgeneralization, but for most cases there is something similar you can replace "car" or "computer" with. Car people are more inclined to involve themselves with corporeal physical objects, while computer people are more abstract and work with ideas. The distinction arose when I realized that while many people hotrod their cars, there is a growing class of people who hotrod their computers. This may seem silly to traditionalists, but then again, hotrodding cars seems silly to us computerites. For car people, where you are is very important. Having a nice car can get you to your friends' houses and into the city, or on long vacations. Likewise, for computer people, the Internet can fulfill many of these desires. Sure, no person wants to stick in front of the screen all day, but computer people are more likely to look something up in a book before they ask someone else's opinion. Sometimes this book just happens to be the Internet. Anyway, if you have any comments, please shoot them my way, and I might post them in an update here or work them into a more permanent page. Adam and I applied this theory further, deciding the difference holds equally true for EEs and MEs.

My other theory is that there is a nerd-jock spectrum, and if you watch Conan you're more towards the nerd side. Jocks tend to watch Craig Kilborn. That's just the way it is.

I just heard a train go by. These are the things you miss when pent up inside all day.

Dan has this demo of a program from NVidia that lets you type in an address anywhere on Earth and then zooms in on it really close using satellite data. What sets this apart from those satellite websites is the fact that the Earth is rendered in full 3D and the zooming is entirely to scale. Dan can see the playset thing in the backyard of his old house in Lake Forest, IL. You can also see people waiting in line in front of the I.M. Pei pyramid at the Louvre. I have almost the same picture of Adam and Dan walking towards the Louvre pyramid from the side. Oklahoma City is at a much lower resolution on the Earth viewer, so you can't make out a lot of stuff. Coincidentally, there is an I.M. Pei structure in Oklahoma City.

Today I spent over $1000 of Olin's money. Well actually I ordered electrical supplies for Gill. He told me what to buy, but still it is nice placing a four-digit cost order online over a wireless ethernet connection. Yes, I guess that makes me a computer person now, doesn't it?

Monday, August 12, 2002

It has that certain I don't know what.

Today I slaved away in the ECE lab. Will and I spent several hours clearing off all the benches so they can be shipped up to the real campus tomorrow morning. This was quite a laborious task. We found all sorts of things from as early as Mod I.

Jeff and I went to Bagels' Best for lunch. I had the roast beef bagel sandwich and boy that mustard sure cleared my sinuses. The office sure is empty lately, now that Sean and Adam are gone. Adam left his door unlocked. Dan put the Eazee Squeeze jalapeño cheese food spread thing onto Adam's bed, creating a fun surprise for him when he gets back.

I'll be getting my huge Chemical Brothers poster in the mail soon. It's full subway ad size. Jesse brought it back for me from USC last year.

I have been finding that very random people read this page. For instance, my mom reads this. I find that very interesting considering I didn't tell anyone about my page. Perhaps she saw it in my AIM profile. More likely, Kyle showed it to her. I wouldn't put anything past her, however, because she is one of the more tech-savvy mothers out there.

We threw a surprise birthday party for Kate today. Afterwards Joles showed us her big whip. She has a big buggy whip for some reason. We used it to break the sound barrier.

I'm going to take off my socks. Socks make me feet incredibly hot. That is frustrating. So I'll take them off.

I've been trying to avoid making these posts tedious and boring.

Today, Steve, Dan and I went to the Firebirds Grill. We all love Firebirds because they love us Olin kids. The manager came over and chatted with us when she saw my Olin shirt. It turns out that Olin's mascot is the most famous firebird, the Phoenix. They have "Phoenix Wings" at Firebirds. Also, we are both located in Needham. To add insult to injury, Firebirds offers Frank's Hot Sauce on every table. Olin's first name is Frank. Go figure.

Sheeva is cool. Go visit her livejournal sometime. She's going to the Le Tigre concert. GRRRRR!

OK, that's enough for today. Maybe later I'll tell you a fun story from my past. I'm sorry that you guys have to put up with the fact that I write these all late at night right before I go to bed. It causes me to favor things that happen later in the day and are fresher in my memory. Also, my mindset is generally the same this late at night. Oh well, I have a day job.

Sunday, August 11, 2002

One day or another, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna gitcha gitcha gitcha gitcha.

Linux weekend is drawing to a close as I completely gut my machine and put Red Hat on it instead. Tomorrow is work again so maybe I can put my head back into reality.

Today was generally slow. Lately the nerd in me has been winning out somehow. Today was also Star Trek watching night with Kate and Joles on The New TNN. Lore used the Borg to capture Data. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, all the better for you.

I'm up quite late and I have to work tomorrow so I should get to sleep soon. I'm going to move the ECE lab in two days, so tomorrow will be spent boxing up a great many electronic "dealies".

I went to the supermarket today and bought me some Quaker Crunchy Corn Bran, continuing my adult no-fun cereal theme. Last time it was Post Grape Nuts. Looks like I'll be getting my folic acid. Funny how I trust corn cereal products from a company calling itself Quaker Oats.

I also bought some beverage called Moxie. It's very strange looking, probably a cola of some sort. I'll get back to you.

Austin went around Oklahoma City looking for open 802.11b wireless networks. He found several, including one near his house that was fairly easy to get into. He even found pictures. Scary. They really aren't secure by default. Be sure to use WEP at the very least, even though it is weak.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Just thought you would like to know, the term for what we we're doing is war driving. Had we been on foot it would have been war walking.
(email from Austin)

Today's update is lacking; nothing much went on today.

Saturday, August 10, 2002

Five for a floppy?

Today I went to the PC Show and bought a bunch of stuff. I got a new case, motherboard, power supply, processor, and floppy drive. And I didn't buy a single one at the listed price. Let's hear it for haggling! I feel like quite the barterer. For those of you who haven't tried haggling, the rush that comes afterwards is infectious. Of course I used this opportunity to live up to my nerd status and not only build it myself, but also install SuSE Linux. And not from some sissy CDs or DVD; I used three floppies to get enough on there to install by FTP. So there!

Other than that I cleaned up one of our dryers. It turns out that Ajay, our RA, or more accurately the guy who lives here and hasn't interacted with a single soul all year, put his boots in the dryer, leaving it quite marked. This was before I got here. The other students gave him an ultimatum. He never did clean it up, however, so Will and I found ourselves doing it instead. He just got back today from Oregon, his home.

Adam is leaving tomorrow. Back to Vermont! He put together our recycling program. Leighton is leaving too. I think he said he's going to Canada. His parents are in the area for awhile, so he'll be pretty busy for the next week or so.

Right now I'm installing lots of Free Software using Ximian Red Carpet. It's pretty easy. I like free things.

We watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory today. Yes, we watched Willy Wonka. To be more accurate, I slept through most of it.

A lot of people are gone this weekend. Sara, Susan (for a while), Adam and Leighton (soon), Jeff (who lives at home 5 miles away, not here at Olin), Steve and Susan (again) (just for the day tomorrow) (New Jersey), and Nicole. Will better make up for them, being the only new arrival.

The school year is creeping up on us. Everyone is so excited to see fresh new faces. We're actually going to have enough people to have some semblence of parties and clubs and social activities. We also don't have to keep calling ourselves prefreshmen. That got old fast. Now we can pretend to be new freshmen unadjusted to college life.

Friday, August 9, 2002

It seems you know me both inside and out.

Today I ate at Cafe Sol Azteca, a pretty nice Mexican restaurant. I must say it's not really a lot like the Tex-Mex I'm used to, so I assume it's more like actual Mexico food. The name at least implies a more centrally located Mexican cuisine. Mmm, Tenochtitlan. The salsa was milder and sweeter than my On The Border fare from a couple days ago, and comes highly recommended. I was pretty happy when Dan asked me how to say "beans" in Spanish and I subconsciously thought "frijoles". I don't know very much Spanish, and I thought I was wrong, but Chris confirmed that I was right.

Today we watched three episodes of Star Trek. I must admit straightforwardly that I used to be very into Star Trek. I know, I know. Well it was fun because everyone currently here had seen pretty much every episode before so we had plenty of opportunity to heckle it. Being a proto-engineer causes me to see through the tech mumbo-jumbo, but it's fun to watch nonetheless.

Work was pretty basic today. I spent 6.5 hours working on a document. That can get old.

Now my mom is a finalist for Millionaire also. She drove up to Tulsa to take the test, so now both of my parents have a relatively small chance of making it on to the now daily syndicated show. I hope it comes near Boston soon!

Tomorrow I'm going to the PC Show. I'm going to check prices on New Egg first. New Egg is a great place to get components. I've only heard good reviews, and the prices are reasonable if not superior. If I find cheaper stuff at the show, however, I'm going for it.

The ECE lab is moving from the MAC to campus on Tuesday. This means I will quickly move from a desk job to a hard labor job. I get to lug boxes!

CNN has a ton of user-submitted designs for a WTC memorial. Most of them are quite pitiful. Dan is constantly emailing me ones that outbad the previous entries as they are released each day. In our Art IS class during the Partner Year, several students and I designed WTC and Pentagon memorial ideas. Mine was more of an idea than an actual physical design, taking only a piece of paper in the stead of a real model.

I also built a theremin for the class. The theremin is the first electronic instrument, which you play by waving your hands toward and away from a pitch antenna and a volume antenna. It is very difficult indeed. You can play every tiny microtone between notes, although that is difficult as there is a four-octave range over about a foot and a half of space. This makes for crazy glissandos. Theremins were popularized (and trivialized) by their use in 50s-era cheesy B horror and space movies.

Thursday, August 8, 2002

Drink from the punchbowl of knowledge.

Today my job required unusual things of me. I spent hours helping to form some grading policy for our grading proposal. I also listened to one of the candidates for the position of our new librarian. She gave us all postcards with stamps on them so we could write back to her in Oregon. Great idea.

Jesse has some cool pictures on his site. You should check them out sometime. He once did a photo shoot for the up-and-coming R&B star Sharissa. Right now he goes to USC and is a film major.

Earlier today I promised myself that I wouldn't spend so much time on mundane details of my life and devote more time to abstract thoughts. Dan and I have long abstract discussions into the wee hours pretty much every night. Right now I'm spending the wee hours writing this, however. Of course I don't know what abstract is supposed to mean in this context. Maybe I'll just tell old stories instead.

I'm listening to Beck's Odelay right now. My fifth album ever. Dan is talking to me about some Flash museum installation they have in New York City. It reminds me of the Praystation exhibit at London's Design Museum. Joshua Davis is a Flash master. He pretty much rules the world while everyone else catches up. He once sold the entire contents of his hard drive, including personal files and unreleased Flash code, in a limited-edition box set.

While at the museum, I bought a book about fontography. I hope to write a font someday. I might be able to convince the college to give me credit for it. (or perhaps just recognition on my transcript)

Every student currently at Olin went to Rod's house today. Rod Crafts is our Dean of Student Life. He has a wonderful backyard that is on a small cliff and has many levels of ground with chairs set up so you can look down over the gardens below. We had burgers.

The new students (and all the old ones too) arrive in a couple weeks. We all can't wait.

Look for some of my music over the next few days on this site. I've been meaning to make a new section dedicated to my music and some MP3s. The RIAA can just cry, because they have no power over my music. I used to go by the moniker Citron, but now I'm just simply Grant Hutchins. Keep that in mind when referring to my music. I've been meaning to tell Jon about this for some time now.

Speaking of, Jon asked me for the original Photoshop file for one of the little logos on his page. He's making stationery I heard. Watch out for some new stuff soon.

While I'm in the mood for plugging old friends, check out Tucker's new DJ mix, "Trance 8.8.02". He's amazing at mixing. My favorite transition is the one in "Electronic 5.28.02" from Crystal Method's "Busy Child" to Orbital's "An Fhomhair". Simply amazing stuff.

Wednesday, August 7, 2002

Yet another day at the school called Olin.

I worked again today, as usual. Part of the day was spent watching a video of crazily efficient wooden wall-mounted kinetic sculptures with some classmates and Woodie Flowers. One of the cohorts at Olin will be working on kinetic sculptures similar to these but most undoubtedly less ambitious. The sculptures from the video could run for ten hours on a tiny wind of a wheel.

Nicole was going to fly to Oregon today, but when her plane took off, one of the engines started emitting flames so it landed and she has to fly out tomorrow very early in the morning. She talked very nonchalantly about it.

This summer I didn't do much of consequence. One thing I am proud of, however, was working with Jon on an anti-drug PSA television commercial he made. He's going to try to sell it to companies or churches to put their logo on in the final scene. I went to see him at OCCC and we went to lunch at Taco Bell. Afterwards, I created a sound file for them to use in the video. It was the sound of a coffin closing, followed by an echo. I made the sound from a bass drum dropped a couple octaves. It was a fun task; hopefully I can work like this in the future, possibly for pay. I did get a 2-channel Gemini mixer out of the whole deal.

I broke out the first large jar of On The Border salsa today. It has a very meaty, rich flavor to it. I highly suggest it if it's sold in your area. Sean sure seemed to like it. I think he's addicted like me.

Only 18 days until the new freshmen come! I just realized the school will more than double (from 30 to 75) this year, and it will also more than double (75 to ~175) next year. What school does that?

On Saturday I'm going to the PC Show to look for parts for my Linux desktop server I plan on purchasing. Dan and I spent hours trying to set up his NVidia card some more, with no luck.

Today Sara and I went out onto the back deck and did something odd. She took a measuring bowl full of 2 cups of water and poured some on the bottoms of my feet. I think walked around and she looked at the footprints to note how flat my feet are. We then both stepped in a puddle thus formed and did a side-by-side comparison.

For lunch I made mashed potatoes, but put too much water in it (continuing the wasteful water use theme). Luckily I had some potato chips to crumble and put into it. It may sound odd but I enjoyed it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2002

Work is already becoming routine.

Today I fleshed out the papers I've been writing for explanation of thermocouples, op-amps, and duty cycles. I also talked to my mom about how she and my dad tried out for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? They took a 30 question multiple choice test. After that the people who did well enough passed to the next round. My dad made it! They interviewed him (he said it went well), and if he is accepted he'll receive a postcard. One of the ladies there was disqualified for having been on The Weakest Link.

I lost my wallet and spent all day looking for it. It was next to my alarm clock.

We ate at Bertucci's in Wellesley today. I couldn't pay because I had lost my wallet.

My Handspring Visor Prism is hosed. I dropped it and now the backlight doesn't work at all. Everything else works fine. I'm going to see if it's cheap to fix it. If not, I'll try myself or get Prof. Gill Pratt to help me perhaps. I sure miss the poor sucker. (the Visor, not Gill. I see Gill daily; he employs me.)

Leighton finished the Partner Year DVD. It looks very nice. Dan made a wonderful 3D intro in 3D Studio Max based on the Universal Pictures logo. Leighton managed to fit all six episodes of The History and Mystery of Mars on there. I made the menus for it, so I'm happy, although maybe it wasn't such a good idea to stay up until 3:30 am last night to do it.

Monday, August 5, 2002

Today was the first day I've ever worked.

I now have a job at Olin. I spent today working with Sean to write up a lab exercise for next year and order materials for it on the budget.

I worked for a good deal of the day, then Elizabeth, Prof. Joanne Pratt's daughter, came and I attempted to help babysit her. She's only a year old and cries at the sight of me, so I gave up for now.

Dan and I used Adobe Photoshop 7 to brainstorm some layouts for our new dorm room once the school year starts. The Residence Hall is essentially complete, and we should be moving in less than three weeks.

Tomorrow my parents are going to the Oklahoma City Zoo to try out for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?. My mom has been a finalist to appear on the show before, but missed only one question over the phone in the final qualifying round. This time around I think she has a good chance. It's the new syndicated Millionaire, sans Regis.

Sunday, August 4, 2002

Happy birthday, Mom!

Today started out with Dan and I attempting to configure his new install of SuSE Linux to support 3D rendering with his NVidia GeForce4. Soon after that, Dan left to go to the Foundation of Teaching Economics dinner over at Babson College Needham/Wellesley Room. His aunt helped found it or something like that, so he got a free dinner.

Nicole asked me if I wanted to go to the wildlife refuge with her, so I did. The strange Brazilian driving instructor wasn't there, so Nicole was happy. Anyway, we discovered that you're supposed to pay to enter and that the refuge actually has nine miles of trails, not just the quarter- to half-mile or so we expected. We saw some turtles and various other wildlife, including menacing flies that drove us out.

Shortly thereafter, the Dan and I got another free dinner across the parking lot at the MAC. Leslie organized a dinner from Vinny Testa's so that we could discuss how to get ready for internship opportunities next year. After that, Leighton, Dan, Steve, Chris and I joined Jeff and Katie to see Austin Powers 3, which wasn't sold out this time. Austin Powers movies are becoming methodical and unfunny in some parts, although we had a fun time.

Saturday, August 3, 2002

The Area 2 Festival was great! Let me run down what it was like.

First I came in and barely missed Dieselboy's set in the Playstation 2 DJ tent, which was disappointing since I generally prefer jungle to trance, but then DJ Tiësto came in and was pretty good, but I decided to leave to see the entire Blue Man Group show on the main stage. Their show was pretty good, full of crazy percussion madness, although the audience participation doesn't work with that size of an audience. It was a little awkward at times. Hungry, I ate an expensive and misnomered "Chicken Sandwich Deluxe", which consisted of a slab of tough chicken on a bun. Hits the spot every time. After we learned that Busta Rhymes wasn't going to show, Tucker, Dan, and I returned to the tent to see John Digweed, the number-one-rated DJ in the world by most accounts. He was really good, and I found myself able to enjoy his style of music, even though I'm usually not up for it. I was dancing pretty heavily, so my glasses flew off my face twice. After I was sufficiently tired Dan and I caught the end of David Bowie's set. A lot of people there completely loved it, but I just sorta liked it. I'm not the Bowie type but it was good. After that I caught some Carl Cox in the tent which was also quite fun, but only stayed for a few minutes because of the important matter at hand:


Moby was great, as usual. I've seen him before, with Bush in the Campus Invasion tour in Norman, OK. This time around he was a lot funnier. He had a Krusty sticker from the Simpsons on his guitar. He also put on a wig and acted like a metal guy for a while. He was a lot more interesting this time around, even if he didn't play "All I Need Is To Be Loved" or "Oil 1", two of my favorite songs. He didn't jump on top of his keyboard or play a very long guitar solo, but otherwise it was Moby at his best. The first encore he played was a quick cover of the "Hey ho! Let's go!" punk song. The whole night you could tell he really wanted to cover something (other than just the "James Bond Theme" as usual) He ended with "Feeling So Real" just like last time, so I was happy to say the least.

Right now after the show Dan, Leighton, Chris and I are drinking virgin margaritas and listening to mellow jazz on 'GBH. All and all a very good day, although expensive for sure.

August 5, 2002
The song Moby covered was "Blitzkrieg Bop" by The Ramones.

Friday, August 2, 2002

I'm back at Olin and I'll probably be starting work on Monday. I had the hardest time trying to change this webpage from Oklahoma.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Area 2 festival. It will last from 3:30 pm on to probably the wee hours, and features Moby, David Bowie, Busta Rhymes, and Blue Man Group. I've already seen Moby and Blue Man Group before. When I went to the Moby show I bought a Moby t-shirt. When I went to the Blue Man Group show I wore that shirt, because I figured they would like Moby. Later that year, after both of them got much more famous, they performed together at the Grammy Awards. I think they saw my shirt and put two and two together. Anyway, now Moby has selected Blue Man Group to be in his second Area Festival, and it's all thanks to my shirt.

Dan, Steve, Chris and I went to the Framingham 15 theater to see Austin Powers 3. It was still sold out, so we left. Dan just told me something interesting about the Framingham 15, which has one of the less than 20 all-digital screens in the country. It turns out the AMC Framingham 15 was once the General Cinemas 16. It turns out this theater also has one of the two "luxury" theaters that serve alcohol. When AMC bought the facility out, says Dan, who is only moderately sure of this, they were only given 15 of the theaters, the "luxury" theater staying with General Cinemas. You learn something new everyday.

Dan also showed me Half Bakery, a place where you can brainstorm ideas and then people vote on them. I then showed him everything2, a strange mish-mash of writeups on any topic imaginable. In fact, if you imagine something that isn't there, you get to write it up yourself.

August 4, 2002
It turns out that AMC bought out General Cinemas; we were wrong. They are all owned by the same company now. It's the AMC Framingham 16.

Friday, May 30, 2002

My old web page from a year ago is now available at It's really exciting stuff, I tell you.

Sunday, May 19, 2002

Time to head home for a few weeks. My flight is later today, around 5. This space may not change for a while, depending on whether or not I find a way to access the Olin network from outside Olin. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, May 17, 2002

It's really late. I need to pack "tomorrow" (today) so I should probably go to bed, eh?

Today was the last day of Olin as we know it. The VOPs are here and with the newbies next year it's going to be one different situation. I also got to visit the campus for the first time. Our buildings are simply wonderful. I'm ready to move in as soon as possible.
